Expanded plan outline
- 1.0 Executive Summary
- 2.0 Situation Analysis
- 2.1 Market Summary
- 2.1.1 Market Demographics
2.1.2 Market Needs
2.1.3 Market Trends
2.1.4 Market Growth
- 2.1.1 Market Demographics
- 2.2 SWOT Analysis
- 2.2.1 Strengths
2.2.2 Weaknesses
2.2.3 Opportunities
2.2.4 Threats
- 2.2.1 Strengths
- 2.3 Competition
2.4 Services
2.5 Keys to Success
2.6 Critical Issues
2.7 Channels
2.8 Macroenvironment - 3.0 Marketing Strategies
- 3.1 Mission
3.2 Marketing Objectives
3.3 Financial Objectives
3.4 Target Marketing
3.5 Positioning
3.6 Strategy Pyramids
3.7 Marketing Mix
- 3.7.1 Services and Service Marketing
3.7.2 Pricing
3.7.3 Promotion
3.7.4 Service
3.7.5 Channels of Distribution
- 3.7.1 Services and Service Marketing
- 3.8 Marketing Research
- 4.0 Financials, Budgets, and Forecasts
- 4.1 Break-even Analysis
4.2 Sales Forecast
- 4.2.1 Sales Breakdown 1
4.2.2 Sales Breakdown 2
4.2.3 Sales Breakdown 3
4.3 Expense Forecast- 4.3.1 Expense Breakdown 1
4.3.3 Expense Breakdown 2
4.3.3 Expense Breakdown 3
- 4.2.1 Sales Breakdown 1
- 4.4 Linking Sales and Expenses to Strategy
4.5 Contribution Margin - 5.0 Controls
- 5.1 Implementation Milestones
5.2 Marketing Organization
5.3 Contingency Planning
Marketing Strategy: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing_strategy
Sample Marketing Plan: http://www.mplans.com/sample-marketing-plans.php?__hstc=246577179.438f1d0d3a7e14e5697f98b50d9d2fdf.1500986107862.1500986107862.1500986107862.1&__hssc=246577179.1.1500986107863&__hsfp=2523430031#.WXc8M7ExWf0
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